sobota, 23 sierpnia 2014

[Tutorial] Skrypty - RedBot Pro

Dropowanie vialek :

int dropvials = 20; int caplower = 100;[/center] [center]if ((itemcount(285)+itemcount(284)+itemcount(283)) > dropvials || $cap < caplower) { dropitems(285); wait(600, 800); dropitems(284); wait(600, 800); dropitems(283); }

Depozytuje kasę i bierze 2k :

npcsay(hi); wait(400,800); npcsay(deposit all); wait(400,800); npcsay(yes); wait(400,800); npcsay(withdraw 2000); wait(400,800); npcsay(yes);

Powrót cap :

if ($cap < x ) { - x liczba po której wraca do dp gotolabel("dp"); - "dp" label powrotu } else { gotolabel("wpt"); - "wpt" label expa }

Kupuje poty

x - do jakiej liczby ma kupić

y - ID pota np.268 czyli mana potion. :

[center]int x = 200; int y = itemid;[/center] say("hi"); wait(1000,1500); npcsay("trade"); wait(2000,1500); buyitemsupto(y, x);

Otwieranie skrzyni :

int x = 15; for (int i = 0; i <= x; i++){ openitem(3502, i); }

Depositer itemów :

int windowloot = 0; int windowdepot = 4; int[] cheatsbcn = new int[] { 3052, 3418, 10290, 3429, 7398, 3065, 7452 }; for (int i = 0; i < cheatsbcn.Length; i++){ moveitemsonto(cheatsbcn[i],windowdepot,1,windowloot);

Otwieranie bp :

int x = itemid("golden backpack"); closewindows(); wait(400, 800) openmainbackpack(); wait(400, 800) openitem(x, 0, true); wait(400, 800)

Otwieranie depo chest :

int Calax = 15;for (int i = 0; i <= Calax; i++){openitem(3502, i);}

Idź do label :

gotolabel("go to resp");

Sprzedawanie itemów :

say("hi"); wait(1000); npcsay("trade"); wait(1000); sellitems("mace", 50); sellitems("halberd", 50); sellitems("plate shield", 50); sellitems("brass helmet", 50); sellitems("chain armor", 50);

Jeśli mniej niż 70 CAP lub 5 mana potion idzie do label :

int x = itemid("mana potion"); if($cap < 70 || itemcount(x, 0) <5) gotolabel("dp"); else gotolabel("hunt 1");

Use x item na dany sqm, przydatne jak trzeba otworzyć drzwi kluczem :

useitemon(5710, "32335, 32174, 7"); useitemon(5710, ground($posx, $posy, $posz));

gdzie 5710 - id itema
32335,32174,7 - współrzędne danego sqma

Alarm gdy mniej niż 15 mana potion :

//nazwa itemu string xItem = "Mana Potion"; //ile zeby wyl alarm int xAlert = 15; if (itemcount(itemid(xItem)) <= xAlert) { playsound("beep.wav"); wait(200); }

Zamykanie bp :


Zamyka klienta gdy mniej niż 25 mana potion :

int x = itemid("mana potion"); if (itemcount(x) < 25){ closeclient(); }

Auto haste :

if($mppc >= 70 && ($pzone == false) && ($hasted == false)) { settools("Auto-Haste\\Enabled", "yes"); } else { settools("Auto-Haste\\Enabled", "no"); }

Auto mana shield :

if($hppc <= 80 && $mppc >= 30 && ($manashielded == false) && ($pzone == false)) { settools("Auto-Mana-Shield\\Enabled", "yes"); } else { settools("Auto-Mana-Shield\\Enabled", "no"); }

Anti-Paralyze :

if($paralyzed && $mppc >= 20 && ($pzone == false)) { settools("Anti-Paralyze\\Enabled", "yes"); } else { settools("Anti-Paralyze\\Enabled", "no"); }

Reconnect :

//Account: string accountNameIs = ("login"); //Password: string passwordNameIs = ("haslo"); //Character name: string characterNameIs = ("name"); //reconnect if offline if ($connected == false) { connect(accountNameIs, passwordNameIs, characterNameIs); wait(600, 1800); //will set targeting and cavebot off to can open the backpacks if ($targeting == true) { settargeting("off"); } if ($cavebot == true) { setcavebot("off"); } //edit that to your backpacks closewindows(); wait(500,1000); openmainbackpack(); wait(500,1000); int x = itemid("bp name"); openitem(x,0,true); wait(500,1000); openitem(itemid("bp name"),0,true); wait(500,1000); openitem(itemid("bp name"),0,true); wait(500,1000); resizewindows(); //set targering and cavebot online again if ($targeting == false) { settargeting("on"); } if ($cavebot == false) { setcavebot("on"); } }

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